Project Management
HXR’s Project Management team is tailored to small/mid-sized operators and production companies who are looking to expand their drilling operations and need a cohesive engineering and supervisory staff to handle their projects — from AFE workup, to engineering/planning and vendor/equipment specification, to on-site supervision. Our Drilling and Completions Engineers can work in-house as part of a client’s overall engineering staff, and they provide support and guidance to our Drilling Consultants and Superintendents working on the client’s projects. Our Project Management team can also supervise individual projects on a time and materials basis from our field offices, working within the client’s existing management structure. In addition, our Project Management team strongly emphasizes safety as part of our culture; all of the founding partners in HXR came from the field, were out there in all conditions, and understand the importance of safety in all that we do — we will firmly implement our clients’ safety programs on any operations for which we provide personnel. What sets our personnel above our competitors is that ALL of our people are trained in ERD techniques, utilizing best practices to ensure that downtime is minimized, best practices are utilized and the right downhole tools are spec’d.